Wednesday, October 24, 2007

An introduction

Hello all. My name is Paul Keener. This is my first blog, and to be quite honest it's a little freaky. I don't know the "rules of play" or even if there are any. That said, I must think I have something to say or I wouldn't be here. So, I look forward to your comments, questions, or whatever.

As you can see I haven't much to offer at this point, but I've only just started and already chewed up about three hours just getting to this point. As addicting as I sense this could well become I feel life nipping at my heels and must resume later.


Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,

I don't think there're any rules beyond those you impose upon yourself when it comes to blogging. Mostly, I think, just say what's on your mind.



Paul K said...

Thanks Chris(tov),

You have the honor of being the first person to respond to my blog! Wow. I felt like a child discovering a gift under the tree. Became as giddy as a school girl. I know, that's kind of pathetic. None the less, thanks.

In some regards the whole idea of blogging feels a bit like inviting people to shuffle through my spiritual underwear drawer. I'm surprised at how much I am tempted to either dumb down or pose.

What does "Ciao" stand for?

Anonymous said...

I think it means something like abientot, or see you, or g'day. Kind of ashamed, as one of Italian heritage, to say I'm not sure.

My weblog? In it, I'm sort of like the fool mentioned in Proverbs who delights in revealing his own heart, or the rusty contraption that stands in its place. That said, I think your drawer, at this time in your life, is a little more spiritual than mine.

Finding a comment on my own blog is always kind of an exciting, happy surprise for me, too. Sadly Yahoo doesn't allow anonymous or other comments like blogger does, so the responses I get are limited to those who've actually signed up for one of their accounts.

I'm having trouble posting this comment. If it shows up two or three times, that's why. C.


Paul K said...


O.k. I had a friend tell me ciao meant "chow". Like, see ya, or even hello. So I looked it up and you know what? He was right! (Don't let that go to your head Ian) :) Anyway, it also means, literally, I am your slave. I doubt that was what you were intending to say. I mean that's
a nice sentiment and all but a little creepy and extreme.

I'm a fixin to check out your site momentarily so hopefully I can leave a message.

This site is definitely focused on spirituality..I'm kind of obsessed..and have for years jotted down thoughts on faith and my relationship with God (I have duffel bags full of manic little notes and scribblings) and it is from those notes that I am building this blog.

That said, I hope it doesn't become spiritualized. That is I hope that I don't start using this site to appear more spiritual than I am. I don't want to start editing myself or changing God into Gawd, if you know what I mean. I love to write and am pretty polished (or attempt to be) in my writings, but I am not a polished person. In fact I am absolutely certain that I am far less interesting in person.

Anyway, I have one more question for you. What does the (tov) on Chris(tov) signify? Is that your full name? Why place it in parenthesis? Just curious. Chow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul,

Sorry I haven't yet replied to your comment on my blog.

I'm going kayaking today. Drysuit or wetsuit? Water's about 53 F, but air's gonna be about 70. Drysuit's a hassle, but if I swim, I'll probably not get hypothermic.

My real name's Chris or Christopher. My web moniker's always been Christov or Christov_Tenn. My first email address in the 90s, I chose Christov because it sounded creepy-cool-mysterious like Karloff, you know, the actor.

I put the tov ending in parentheses so you would know the identity of the anonymous commenter.

With my blog, I'm not really trying to build anything. It's just a place for me to sound off, exhibit some photos.

Will try to respond to your comments on Yahoo later today.

