Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I Am

I am from the Phillips and the Keeners
From the dark rich soil of strong and sorrowful Germanic poachers
And the chaotic overgrowth of brash and colorful Bohemian laborers
From beer drinkers and ballroom boasters
From stoics and fools
From Kathi and Jody

I am from the carnival
From rushed and crowded days and long and lonely roads
From diesel generators, fumes and grind
Flashing lights and a blur of faces
From vagabonds and drifters, con men and pipe dreams
From disposable clothing and hand me down friendships

I am from those who seemed to dwell on the outside
Window peering, pseudo sophisticates
Tattered garments worn with pride
From smooth talkers and polished yet fragile images
From lonely crowds, rich humor and biting wit
Flashes of grace and untethered hopes

I am from the backseat
Endless roads, Willie Nelson, Hank Williams, and Jim Croce
From odd relatives and awkward visits
From unnamed longings and unfocused grasping
From old sorrows and soiled memories
From deep darkness yet deeper hunger

I am from the resurrection clan
From cave dwellers and truth tellers
From darkened pits and breathless light
From spiritual grit and surprising mercy
From the moment it started
Till this moment I write
From it all
I am

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